I attended a workshop on wellness and had an opportunity to talk about the different areas we need to nuture to stay well. It's important to nurture ourselves nutritionally, spiritually, mentally,physically, sexually and financially. Often times, we manage to neglect one or more areas for a prolonged period of time and we are out of balance.
Ask yourself, what areas am I paying attention to, and when? Why are those particular areas being given more attention, are they more important? What can I do to address the areas of self-nuturing that are being neglected?
It may take some time to pinpoint what areas in our lives are being neglected but, unless we put the time in and "check-in" occassionally, we are harming our well-being. It's easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves when there are so many people relying on us for so much. Take care of yourself and set time aside, each day, to "check-in" and see what you've done to nuture all the important areas of your life-you'll be happier and healthier and so will everyone else you care for daily!
Liz you are so right! Keep on keeping us informed!