Thursday, March 24, 2011


I have been paying a lot of attention to the comments women tend to make about themselves, not realizing that others are listening.  It's rare I hear something positive said, usually, it's self-depracating humor.  It makes me think about what messages women tend to "send out to the universe" when they're constantly putting themselves down.  Messages such as, "I'm so clumsy, I can't do anything right." "Years ago, I would have looked pretty good in that outfit, I'm too fat now to wear it, I'd look better in a tent!" "I'm too old to learn anything new, this is all I know how to do."  The list goes on and on...

As I listen, I think to myself, "Wow, I wonder if they know what those messages do to their own self-esteem?" "What do those remarks do to build them up, give them hope, promote positive self-image to friends and loved ones?" "How will negative self-talk create a brighter future for these women?"

It's critcal to feel worthy, capable, loveable and someone who can be counted upon in times of need and desired in times of celebration.  Women, I implore you to think about what you're saying to yourself, even in jest, pay attention-if what you're telling yourself is mostly negative self-talk, try to be aware of that and give yourself more positive messages.  It takes many more positive messages to undo one negative message...give yourself a break. You are just right in God's eyes and in the eyes of your friends and loved ones...remember to pat yourself on the back-your self-esteem will thank you for it!

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