Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Holiday Stress

Although this time of year is exciting for many, it is especially stressful.  Remember, if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else!  During this busy time remember to find ways to unwind, below are a few suggestions...

Call a friend and have a chat over a nice hot cup of chocolate.  Touching base with someone you care about over a hot drink is almost as good as sitting in the same room with them.  Talk about old times, up-coming plans, daydreams, anything but what you have left to do before the holidays!  This is time to "get away" and you'll be helping someone else to escape with you!

Take a walk, just a 15 minute walk is enough to "ground" you.  If you can get outside and connect with nature-even better! 

Set 20 minutes aside each day to do something you enjoy-read a book, take a nice bath, practice meditation-whatever works for you.  Make sure that you are "unavailable" during this time, don't answer the phone and get someone else to take care of kids and business for that time.

As you're scurrying about, do something nice for someone you the door, pay for a cup of coffee-smile...doing things for others gives us a lift to and, it's infectious!

These are just some ideas to get through this hectic time, take care of yourself-you're important!

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