Friday, September 7, 2012

Homework Show - Stress 09/07 by At The Kitchen Table0 | Blog Talk Radio

Homework Show - Stress 09/07 by At The Kitchen Table0 | Blog Talk Radio

Enjoy listening to our program. Please feel free to give us feedback and topic suggestions for future episodes. If you are in need of further learning tools, you may schedule a life coaching session with Liz or, perhaps treat yourself to a relaxing massage with Ari!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Listen to your "still, small voice"

I began today by attending the Women's Breakfast at my church. It is a holiday weekend and I really wanted to just relax but, it seemed important for some reason that I attend. I met some new and wonderful women there and we really had some great ideas to share and lots of fun. I'm glad I went! After breakfast, I had a feeling that I should visit my mother-in-law. I'm not sure why but, I was hesitant about taking more time out of my day. A quiet, nagging voice kept telling me to just "check in"-boy, I'm glad I listened! I found her puttering around the kitchen but, when we began to talk, I noticed that she looked very down. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "Nothing, I don't know, I can't see anything any more and I'm alone a lot." I gave her a hug and sat down to visit for a while. I'm so glad I didn't talk myself out of stopping by. Often, we get these thoughts about checking in with friends or family and we find reasons why we can't do it. God or the Universe or whatever you believe in sends us these little messages because He knows someone needs us. Hopefully, I will remember today's lesson and not resist making a call or a visit the next time I get the idea, I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to lift someone's spirits just because I am too busy. There's always something on our plates, just remember, don't be too busy to care and listen to that "still small voice" when it comes,take the time to do what it's urging you to do, you'll be glad you did!